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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  March 23, 2013 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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good evening, everyone. a big night for breaking news and stories you won't see anywhere else. breaking news in colorado's prison chief. there is new evidence tonight linking a man killed in texas after a shootout with the killing in colorado. vice president biden says rifles like this are of no legitimate purpose off the battlefield. tonight, why someone called them indispensable. later, criminals inside her home all alone hiding inside her closet. tonight, one brave teenager tells us how she kept it together.
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>> new pictures showing just how close one of the texas lawmen came to dying at the hands of that suspect. that's a bullet hole there in the windshield. another hole inside the car. >> the suspect was shooting and driving, driving fast through wise county, texas. now, until he hit an 18 wheeler, that is. somehow he survived that, then deputies shot him dead. that was yesterday. ever since, investigators from texas and colorado have been trying to link evidence from the wreckage in the car to the doorstep murder of tom clements, the late director of colorado's prison system, and potentially another killing as well. tonight, they may have made at least one forensic connection. casey wian joins us with breaking news. what's the latest? >> reporter: anderson, there is
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a lot of news in this case. these two cases, according to a search warrant that was filed today in wise county, texas, looking for permission to search that vehicle that evan ebel was driving. investigators say that they have found shell casings in texas that match both in brand and in caliber shell casings found at the murder scene of tom clements and also at the murder scene of a domino's pizza delivery driver on sunday near denver. they also say that the vehicle in the murder of that domino's pizza delivery man was a 1991 cadillac sedan de ville, the same vehicle, same type of vehicle, evan ebel was driving when he was killed after that high speed crash in texas yesterday. also, new revelations that during his long term in prison for six felonies that we have been able to uncover, he was convicted of assaulting a latino prison guard.
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we don't know if the ethnicity of that prison guard had anything to do with ebel's well documented connections to the 211 white supremacist prison gang that he is reportedly a member of. >> so there are reports that colorado's governor, john hickenlooper, knows his father. do we know anything more about that? >> reporter: that's right. cnn's affiliate is reporting that the two men have had a long friendship, jack ebel is a well respected attorney here in the denver area of colorado. we spoke with neighbors who knew him. they are very sympathetic for the father. they say he was trying to raise two children by himself. evan ebel's sister, 16-year-old younger sister, was killed in an auto accident in 2006. now jack ebel's son has been killed and he's under suspicion, the main suspect in two murders. >> what more do we know about the link or any possible link
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between ebel and the domino's pizza delivery man who was killed in colorado? >> reporter: interesting evidence and a very clear link, it would seem. investigators say according to that search warrant that they found a domino's pizza carrier, one of those boxes that delivery men put pizza boxes in in the back of the car. they also found either a domino's jacket or a domino's shirt. >> i appreciate the update. more now on the shell casings which could prove the key evidence. gerard patello is an expert in the field and joins us by phone. i want to read to our viewers a portion of the text, this affidavit cnn obtained. it first refers to the shooting in colorado, the prison chief, and says hornaday nine millimeter shell casings were recovered at the scene which are the same brand and caliber used by the unknown suspect in the wise county incident, wise county is a reference to the texas crime scene. what does that tell you? >> well, anderson, it tells me that they have a little bit to go on. the fact that they have the same brand doesn't really tell me
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much. i mean, hornaday ammunition is sold throughout the country. you can get it anywhere. the fact that you have the same caliber along with the other details like a similar late model vehicle tells me that they have reason for an association, and i guess moving forward, they are going to look to get the cartridge cases from the homicide in colorado to the same location with the cartridge cases recovered from the car, and a forensic examiner will have to put them under a comparison microscope, compare the individual characteristics and render an opinion whether or not they were fired from the same gun. >> is it as simple as that, having an expert put them under a microscope? i've seen when a gun is fired it leaves a unique imprint on the shell casings. >> most guns are capable of leaving individual characteristics on fired cartridge casings and bullets and if this gun did in fact do that, it shouldn't be very
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difficult for a forensic examiner to determine that. >> how long would that take? once they got the casings together? >> it could take anywhere from five minutes to 30 minutes. >> okay. do they actually have to have the physical casing or can they do it from a photograph? >> no, no, no. they have to do the physical casings. both cartridge casings or all the cartridge casings from all three incidents need to be in the same location under the same comparison microscope. >> i appreciate your expertise. thanks for being with us. i want to bring in vicky banky. until a few years ago she knew evan ebel as the troubled teen that lived across the street from her. she's joining us on the phone. also some perspective on the white supremacist angle, especially this prison gang, the 211 crew, the former skinhead, t.j. lidon. vicky, you lived across the street from ebel, his father before they moved away a few years ago. you were warned about him when you first moved into the neighborhood. what were you told? >> we were told that it was a kid that our kids probably should steer clear of. >> why was that?
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>> there was -- there were rumors that he was into drugs, he was definitely wild. i could observe it from my house, i could see him running in and out. he and his friends would play up on the roof sometimes. >> on the roof of their house? >> yeah. on the roof of their house. playing tag or whatever. i overheard conversations that he had about drugs with his friends. i've seen him in fits of temper with his friends. >> i guess maybe it's a naive question, but did he seem capable of doing something like this, like he's suspected of? >> i have to say when i heard it yesterday, i wasn't surprised. yeah, it was one of those kids that you hear in retrospect and think okay, the pieces have fallen into place. why it happened to that family, i have no idea. like you talked about earlier, his father jack bent over backwards to try and deal with his son's issues. he was obviously a troubled
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child. he did everything he could, in my opinion. he worked from an office at home to try and be around him more. he worked with him on like remodeling projects around the house, things like that. i know he tried very hard to accommodate whatever his son was going through to no avail, obviously. >> yeah. well, t.j., let me bring you in here. this gang that ebel was allegedly involved with, what do you know about them? are known, are they normally associated with violence? >> well, the organization started out in a colorado county jail system and eventually spread into the prison system. the 211 crew as it's known but it's also known by the brotherhood of aryan alliance, they were mostly a moderate group, but with this incident, if it's connected with them or if this is one of their members that did it, people are going to
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have to rethink whether to label them as moderate or extreme. >> what did 211 stand for, do you know? >> 211 is, if you look at the letters of the alphabet, b-a-a. it stands for the brotherhood of aryan alliance. that's one of their code names. >> vicky, did you ever hear anything about ebel being a white supremacist? >> not at all. it's not something you would find in this neighborhood for sure. i know he went to junior high school in the area and it's mixed hispanic and white. i know my own daughter teaches hispanic children so it's really not anything that we're accustomed to around here. it sounds like his prison stints have kind of, you know, broken the wheel there. >> vicky, you said you heard him talking about drugs. were they any specific kind of drugs? >> cocaine for one. >> t.j., law enforcement
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officials are calling ebel former 211 gang member. i read past statements by the head of the gang task force saying once a gang member joins its group, you don't really get out in any way other than getting killed. do you buy that? is that kind of hype? >> oh, no, i don't buy that he's a former member. i mean, lot of times this is the stuff that's for life. i got out, when you get out, you've got to prove yourself, you've got to be working with law enforcement, talk to them in some way, shape or form or trying to get other kids out. there's no evidence proving this guy's done any of that. >> why do you think they would be calling him a former gang member, then? >> because a lot of times when a guy leaves prison, a lot of institutions basically start to refer to them as former. if they don't get in any trouble in six months, even up to a year, they basically take him off the list. they take him off the radar. a lot of times these guys come back later on. you can stay quiet for six months to a year if you're on probation or parole. >> t.j., i appreciate your expertise. vicky as well, thank you for being with us.
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let us know what you think. follow me on twitter right now. up next, a different take on the national debate over assault weapons. nothing to do with arguments in because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option:
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the new york city affiliate of the national rifle association has filed a lawsuit challenging a sweeping gun control law governor andrew cuomo signed in january shortly after the school massacre in newtown, connecticut. the law strengthens the state's existing ban on assault weapons. the nra calls it unconstitutional. the connecticut shooter used an ar-15 rifle in his attack. it was variations of that gun banned in new york under the new
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legislation. yesterday, vice president joe biden said no one's constitutional right to own guns will be impacted by taking that weapon and others like it off the streets. not everyone agrees, obviously. in fact, while there's a perception the ar-15 is a weapon without a practical purpose, there are some people who put the ar-15 to very good use to solve a very expensive problem. victor blackwell explains. >> reporter: for jim pritchard, it's planting season. the past few days have been long and hard, sowing corn seed. how many acres here? >> approximately 88. >> reporter: soon the sun will set. but by morning, all his hard work could be ruined and his seeds stolen under the cover of darkness. >> one year, in two nights i lost 18 acres. >> reporter: 18 acres in two nights. that's worth how much to you? >> it wound up costing me in lost yield about $9,000. >> reporter: but thieves are not the problem. what has that problem been? >> pigs root up the corn seed after you plant it. >> reporter: wild pigs, hogs annihilate corn, peanuts, beans, virtually any crop on pritchard's 700 acres. this is evidence they've been here. >> yes, sir. that was overnight last night. >> reporter: a few rows devoured. hoofprints are in the dirt. >> this is nothing. that's all there is, i'll be
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happy. >> reporter: some mornings are much worse. ruined crops as far as the eye can see. the wild hogs come through this area so often they have worn a path through this field. look at this. this is where they scrape the mud off on the pine trees. you can see it on the bark there. look at this one. it happened so often that about two and a half feet of the bark has been scraped off. this is a national problem. the usda estimates there are about four to five million wild hogs in america and they cause about $1.5 billion worth of crop damage a year. pritchard is frustrated. he's tried everything to nurture his crops. >> get it done. you need a few basic tools. you need your seeds. you need your tractor. you need sunlight and water. and apparently you need an ar-15, too. >> i need a good man with a good gun. >> reporter: i'm a good man, this is a great gun. he's hal. this is one of his six ar-15s. it is the gun of choice for hog
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hunters, because it's light, easy to carry and has little recoil. hal works for 16 farmers covering nearly 100,000 acres. >> we don't discriminate. we kill them all. big boar, mama with a bunch of little footballs. they all catch a bullet. >> reporter: his company is hog swat. that's no exaggeration. he uses top of the line tactical gear, night vision and thermal imaging to find and kill hogs. >> i do this as a free service to my farmers and in exchange, they allow me to bring paying customers. >> reporter: $500 per customer to train these crosshairs. everyone from experienced big game hunters to preteen novices. >> it's a blast. it's legitimately the coolest thing you could legally do with an ar or any weapon. >> reporter: he invited us along on a hunt so we loaded up and hit the rough and winding dirt roads of south georgia. >> i'm out five nights a week, four to seven nights a week depending on the season.
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now they're planting so i'm out almost seven nights a week. >> reporter: farm after farm, it seemed hogs' timing was better than ours. so we pulled into a farm and waited. >> we're right in the middle of a 700 acre field. we've got 1200 yards, 1300 yards in any direction of the tree line that's open. we'll see them come out of the tree line. i'll have time to gear up and go at them. >> reporter: while we waited, we talked about that gear at the center of a national battle. you know, when you say ar-15 and 30 round mag, that's a political hot button. >> sure it is. because people have decided to make it one. you know, tragedies happen but the weapons didn't create these tragedies. sick individuals used this weapon, this tool, and they did something destructive with it, something ugly. there's just nothing else you can say about it. >> reporter: then one more infrared scan of the field and there he was. a boar roughly 400 yards away. we all rush out and stealthily
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approach. he steadies his ar-15. >> this is a pretty average size. he's probably 130, 140. >> reporter: for hog swat and the farmers of south georgia, success. the question has been repeatedly who needs this weapon outside of the military, someone who wants to kill someone else. >> well, need is -- that's a big word, you know. you don't need a lot of things that you choose to use because they make your job easier. i could do this with a single shot weapon. i wouldn't be near as effective. i could do it. but i don't want to. i'm a legal, responsible gun owner. i evaluated all of the different weapons out there and i decided that this weapon is what makes sense for me and my company. >> a lot of controversy obviously surrounded the use of high capacity magazines. could these hunters do the same job with smaller magazines? >> reporter: he said yes, he can
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do it but he would not be as effective. here's why. because he says in the hunt you just watched, there was just one boar but if there had been a sow with maybe 12 babies which is not unusual, because they can have up to 12 a few times a year, he would need all 30 rounds to fire off in quick repetition and there's one other thing i got to show you. it's like csi south georgia out here. the pigs have been back. here's the evidence. you have hoofprints here. the pigs have been back and that means hal will be back. he says he's going to stay in this area, cover those 100,000 acres until he tries to get rid of this population. >> victor, thanks very much. >> sure. one other note in the keeping them honest category. holding politicians accountable for letting their words get ahead of the facts. last night we focused on michele bachmann. tonight, new york congressman, democratic charlie rangel. tonight he's clarifying an exaggerated claim he made about guns yesterday on msnbc.
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>> these automatic military weapons enjoy the culture of going hunting, we're talking about millions of kids dying, being shot down by assault weapons. >> he said millions of kids. keeping them honest, the number is obviously a far, far cry from that, more like several hundred. while any avoidable death is a tragedy, this is not as the congressman implied some kind of deadly epidemic with millions of kids being killed. we asked him for his comment. his spokeswoman issued the following statement. what the congressman meant to convey is that millions of children and their loved ones have been impacted as a result of gun violence. whether physically harmed or emotionally traumatized. words matter. that's why we do these reports. coming up, a horrifying nightmare to come. it's come to life for one teenager. she was in her house alone during a terrifying home invasion robbery, nearly came face-to-face with one of the thieves. she shares how she survived the frightening ordeal and got the thieves apprehended. also, president obama wrapping up his trip to the
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middle east, his first as president. how he may have helped the peace process, how he was received there when we continue. your identity and turn your life upside down. >> hi. >> hi. you know, i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. >> you just read my mind. >> announcer: just one little piece of information and they can open bogus accounts, stealing your credit, your money and ruining your reputation. that's why you need lifelock to relentlessly protect what matters most... [beeping...] helping stop crooks before your identity is attacked. and now you can have the most comprehensive identity theft protection available today... lifelock ultimate. so for protection you just can't get anywhere else, get lifelock ultimate. >> i didn't know how serious identity theft was until i lost my credit and eventually i lost my home. >> announcer: credit monitoring is not enough, because it tells you after the fact, sometimes as much as 30 days later. with lifelock, as soon as our network spots a threat to your identity, you'll get a proactive
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call the number on your screen now! president obama was in jordan today after visiting israel but what if anything did he accomplish there? the israeli verdict on the visit next.
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president obama is in jordan tonight after wrapping up a visit to israel. it began with questions about just how well he would go over with the israeli people. his relationship with prime minister netanyahu after all has been strained at times. the question is would people pick up on the chill at the top or warm up to the president. we now have the answer and chief national correspondent john king tonight to tell us about it. john, a lot of speculation about what kind of reception the president might get in israel, how ordinary israelis, how leaders might react to him there. how did it go overall? >> reporter: anderson, i spent a lot of time in this region so you know what seems like concrete under your feet can suddenly turn to quicksand.
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the president will head home tomorrow feeling pretty happy especially on the point you just raised, reception among the israeli people. he has a very mixed reputation if you look at the polling. i spent a lot of time talking to every day israelis. especially because of the cairo speech early on, maybe he would come out in favor of the palestinians when it comes to the peace issue. all the cultural and historic sites he visited as a tourist but a tourist with a point won a lot of great headlines, lot of praise from israeli officials. one commentator put it this way, if we're this happy when obama comes, what are we do when the messiah comes. >> obviously the prime minister and the president have never been the best of friends. was this visit any different than usual? >> reporter: these guys if they're acting deserve academy awards because the frost has melted. these are two men who had not only a frosty relationship but a sometimes bitter relationship in the first term. they were joking with each other, they took their jackets off, they looked casual at the israeli state dinner.
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they spent a long conversation laughing and joking, very animated and engaged and smart enough to cover their mouth like this so the cameras couldn't pick up or try to read their lips what they were saying. they both worked well together and today, you see some evidence that this personal relationship might be helping in the working relationship. prime minister netanyahu called his turkish counterpart, apologized for that incident back in 2010 the israeli commandos killed eight turks and one turkish american on an aid flotilla heading towards gaza. that had spoiled what was a pretty good alliance. he apologized, promised restitution so the israeli-turkish relationship might get back on track. that's a big important diplomatic feather. >> in terms of the peace process, though, between the israelis and palestinians, is there any sense this is going to become more of a priority for the obama administration than it's been so far? >> reporter: the president said today that he can't guarantee results but he does guarantee he's going to give it good
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effort. now, every american president picks up this ball at some point, and most of them end up very disappointed. bill clinton spent a lot of time on it. george w. bush in the end of his administration tried. president obama didn't touch it much in the first term. now he says he's going to try but the big difference is the things that keep the israelis and palestinians from the bargaining table are still there. they feel good about the conversation a month or two or three, are they back at the table. >> the president's in jordan today. what's the focus there? >> reporter: syria. syria. syria. jordan normally a key u.s. ally in trying to nudge the palestinians on some issues. one of the few arab nations that has relationships with israel. but the refugee crisis coming into this country from syria dominated the discussions. king abdullah has a country with a tough economy to begin with. they've spent nearly $1 billion. they say they are approaching half a million syrian refugees and they think it will keep getting worse.
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the president promised about $200 million more. the united states is already giving quite a bit of money to the syrian refugee crisis but he promised to ask congress for $200 million more. most of the effort was on the refugee crisis here, although jordan has a very good intelligence service. the president and his national security team also comparing notes with the king and his team about the big questions about chemical weapons and the king's assessment of how long assad can hang on. >> all right. on king, thanks. there's a lot more happening tonight. randi kaye is here with the "360" bulletin. authorities in virginia are not disclosing a motive in last night's deadly shooting at the marine corps base. officials say three marines are dead including the suspected gunman. he died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. the incident is still under investigation. police in georgia arresting a pair of teens in a shooting death of a 13 month old child. the suspects are 14 and 17 years old. they are being held on suspicion of first degree murder. the toddler's mother says the attackers approached her, demanding money. they first shot her in the leg before shooting the child as she begged to spare his life. the faa is closing the
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control towers at 149 regional airports across the country. the move is meant to help the agency free up more than $630 million in forced government budget cuts. and one of the biggest personalities in politics meeting one of the biggest names in basketball. shaquille o'neal visited new jersey governor chris christie in trenton today. the governor shared this photo on his twitter feed. it got a whole lot of reaction. somebody tweeted the governor saying you guys should do a remake of the movie "twins" together. >> quite a photo. thanks. up next, incredible story of guts and survival. a teenager dialed 911 as thieves not only ransacked her house but were actually in the room where she was hiding. here's part of the 911 call. >> do not open your door, okay? can you tell me you understand? do not open the doors. >> okay. >> do not open that door.
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tonight, "360" exclusive. the museum guard who let thieves in led them into the biggest art heist ever.
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california girl only 15 years old already knows what it means to be scared for her life. she was home alone tuesday afternoon. intruders broke into her home. thinking quickly she grabbed a cordless phone, ran upstairs into her parents' bedroom, hid inside their walk-in closet and dialed 911 for help. keep in mind the intruders not only came into that bedroom to ransack it, they actually went into the walk-in closet. here's a portion of the 911 call. amazing how calm she is on the phone. >> 911 emergency. >> hello, i'm home alone and somebody was knocking at the door and they just opened the window. >> he's inside? >> yes. >> where are you, upstairs in
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the bedroom? >> i'm inside my parents' closet. >> is anybody expected home? >> no. my parents are both at work. [ inaudible ]. >> okay. don't talk. do not open your door, okay? can you tell me you understand by tapping the phone once, do not open the door? okay. do not open that door. >> unbelievable. because she made that call right away, police were already waiting outside her house as the thieves tried to get into their car. three teens are now in custody. the brave girl, i spoke with her and her mom earlier. can you take us through what happened? you were at home, it was about 1:00 in the afternoon. you heard the doorbell ring. then what? >> i just got out of the shower so i went down to check who it was, and i went into the guest bedroom to look out the window and it was someone i didn't know. so i waited for a couple minutes to see who it was and somebody else walked and like i was kind
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of suspicious first, but then i thought it was nothing so i went back upstairs. i heard the alarm system say that the window was being opened so at that point, i ran to my parents' bedroom and i went to the closet. >> what was going through your mind? you must have been incredibly scared. >> yes, i was freaked out because i haven't -- this never happened before so i was kind of worried about like the outcome. >> so you take the phone and you go into the closet, and you hear the burglars coming up the stairs. how did you keep quiet? >> i was just talking to the dispatcher. she just told me just to be calm and be quiet and just like try to not make any like movement or anything like that, just so i don't draw attention to where i was. >> i understand you were actually communicating with the
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dispatcher by tapping on the phone? >> yes. >> how did that work? >> she said, she asked me questions like tap once for no, tap twice for yes. so she asked me if they were in the closet with me. i tapped twice and stuff like that. >> could you actually see the people? >> i saw them from the waist down. >> from the waist down. so were you worried that they could see you? >> yes. i actually was really worried about that. >> i heard that you worried they might see your toenail polish? that true? >> yes. because i had on bright blue nail polish. >> okay. but they didn't see it? >> no. >> as a mom, this must be, a, you must be incredibly proud of your daughter but also scared for what happened. >> yes. very scared. very proud that, you know, she was able to keep her calm and do exactly what the dispatcher told her to do. but i, you know, thinking about what could have been, that is
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extremely frightening, you know. >> did you know your daughter was so level-headed? >> she's usually very calm, you know. she's very calm. she doesn't really react to stuff. so -- but this was something that is a nightmare, really, for anybody. so i didn't know she would be, you know, as calm as she was, you know, in the face of the danger she was in. >> doyin, how long were you on the phone for? >> about 30 minutes. but it felt like an hour to me. >> even 30 minutes, that's a long time. that must have felt like forever. what was the moment like when they told you it was over? how did you learn that it was over? >> she told me that they surrounded the house and they got all three of them but she wanted me to stay in the closet just in case there were more, and until the dog came i didn't get out of the closet at all. >> when you got home, what did you think?
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>> it was at that point when she saw me, she broke down and started crying. you know, i just tried to comfort her that, you know, it's okay, everything's fine now. and that we're all very proud of you, at least you got these three guys off the streets. they won't terrorize anybody again. i was very, very proud of her. >> you should be proud of her. amazing that you were able to remain so calm. doyin, thank you so much for talking to us. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. >> thank you for having us. >> amazing story. crime and punishment, another case that by now you probably heard. nancy grace is missing her prized handcuff necklace. she not only implicated me but also mark geragos. does that look like the face of a thief to you? he responds next on the "ridiculist."
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it's the biggest art heist in history, happened 23 years ago this week. a pair of thieves duped the security guards at boston's isabela stewart gardner museum and took off with pieces worth an estimated half a billion dollars.
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the thieves spent 81 minutes inside that museum. what they did inside largely remains a mystery to this day. the fbi now says it believes it knows who's behind the heist. when it happened, suspicion quickly fell on the museum's security guards. for the first time, one of those guards is sharing his story on camera in an exclusive interview with randi kaye. >> reporter: there was no trace of the thieves. authorities got an idea of what the bad guys looked like from the two night watchmen. the only ones to see the thieves up close. but it all happened so fast. they were tied up and blindfolded within minutes. watchman rick abbott gave this description to his sketch artist. >> the guy who was dealing with me was kind of taller and skinny and wearing gold-framed like round glasses, if i remember correctly. he had a mustache.
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i remember before he arrested me that it looked really greasy, i remember thinking that. he was using some funky kind of wax on that thing or something like that. it was probably a fake mustache. >> reporter: but the description from rick and the other guard didn't satisfy the fbi. even rick admits the sketch they produced didn't really look like either of the two men. >> i remember at the time thinking there's no way they're going to catch these people from this. >> that's one of the frustrating aspects of this case, the descriptions that were given were very vague. >> reporter: jeff kelly from the fbi boston office is the lead agent on this case. without a good description and virtually no other public information about the thieves' identity, the investigators begin to focus their attention on the museum employees. >> these guys had a very -- had a level of comfort in that museum that really points to the fact that if it wasn't an inside job, they definitely had inside information.
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>> reporter: both the fbi and the museum security director are stuck on the fact that the thieves spent 81 minutes inside the museum. anthony amore says that is eight times as long as the typical art theft. >> there was a covert button like you would see in a bank and the thieves knew somehow that that hadn't been hit as evidenced by how much time they spent in the museum. >> reporter: they weren't at all concerned, 81 minutes, that the police were on their way? >> clearly not concerned the police were coming. so how they knew that the guard didn't hit that alarm was a mystery to me. >> reporter: but did the thieves really know the alarms had not been set off? or could that be why they waited awhile to start dismantling the art? remember, motion detectors didn't pick up the thieves' trail until 24 minutes after they entered the museum.
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>> apparently there was a half hour between -- 20 minutes between when they tied us up and when they actually headed into the galleries to start doing it. i've seen a lot of people questioning well, what were they doing. i'm thinking they were probably waiting to see if i did press the panic button. they were probably waiting to see if the cops were going to show up. >> reporter: according to the fbi, nearly nine of every ten museum heists have an inside component. rick abeth, the guard who let the thieves in, was interrogated for days. he also took lie detector tests. he was never charged with anything, and when we talked to him, he maintained he had nothing to do with the heist. and what about the regular night watchman who called in sick that night? rick remembers after he buzzed
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the thieves into the museum, they asked him if he was alone. >> i wonder if that are you here alone, because there weren't provisions for a single guard to be there. i have wondered if are you here alone meant did they get anybody to come in. but i don't know. >> reporter: but that night watchman, the one who called in sick, was never charged, either. in fact, no museum employee has ever been charged with anything in connection with the crime. though investigators say no one has been completely cleared either. so with no apparent connections with museum employees, who else could have been involved? notorious art thief miles conner was already a known figure among art thieves in boston. in 1975, he sold a rembrandt from the museum of fine art but in 1990, at the time of the gardner theft, he was in jail and no known connections were ever found. mobster david turner from boston also was considered a possible suspect, with various publications pointing out the resemblance between the fbi
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sketch and turner. but no definitive evidence linking turner to the heist has ever surfaced. boston crime boss whitey bulger was also rumored to be involved, with speculation he stole the artwork in order to smuggle it over to the ira, the irish republican army. >> certainly if you're looking at boston which has a huge irish population, and it's not unusual or you wouldn't be incorrect in assuming that there might be some connection to the ira. the ira has done it before, where they have taken paintings and basically ransomed them back for money. they have done this in the past and because of the connection to boston, it's not improbable. but again, like many of the other theories, there's nothing concrete that we've developed over the years. >> reporter: the justice department has publicly disavowed any link between
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bulger and the gardner museum. and so the search for the thieves continues. and at the same time, the effort to recover priceless works of art. >> time now for the ridiculist. there's new neutrogena® w naturals acne cleanser. acne medicine from the wintergreen leaf treats breakouts. no parabens or harsh sulfates. for naturally clear skin. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® naturals. love your passat! um. listen, gary. i bought the last one. nice try. says right here you can get one for $199 a month. you can't believe the lame-stream media, gary. they're all gone. maybe i'll get one. [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. you can't have the same car as me, gary! i'm gettin' one. nope! [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month.
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>> time now for the ridiculist. not since the great mup et caper has the world been so daring for a heist. on this program a few weeks ago discussing the jodi arias trial. hey, nancy, are you wearing handcuffs as a necklace? >> that's right. it's gone. and now, nancy and her team have plastered cnn center with these fliers. and, last night, nancy came on this program to level some pretty serious accusations. >> anderson, the last time my
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handcuff necklace was admired on the air, i'd like to point out that you were present. you. susan and mark geragos. you three were the last ones to admire it on air. >> i like how she pulled those handcuffs out of her twins. now, ask and you shall receive. nancy grace, joining us now via skype. so, mark, consider yourself under oath for this deposition. you've been accused or implicated in this heist.